
Showing posts from August, 2023

Adventures in the Shadowdark: The Keep on the Borderlands

 For the last several months, I've had the pleasure of leading a group of players through Adventure Module B2: The Keep on the Borderlands, using Shadowdark RPG, and with some grimdark editing ala Professor Dungeon Master. I haven't been writing up campaign diaries for it, because I am lazy.  But I SHOULD do writeups for it, because my group is awesome and they're really getting into it now.  So here's a quick rundown of where we've come from so far: After having one of their companions accused of Witchcraft and Heresy (and burned at the stake for her trouble) in their introductory adventure, the party was charged by the Witch Hunter Sergeant Viktor Hess with transporting a sealed crate bearing the seal of the Emperor Himself to a location known as Winterhaven Keep, a small but critical component of the borderlands defense situated on the edge of the Chaos Wastes to the Northeast of the Barony of Backmarsh.  Along the way, they met up with some new companions (to re